Praise be to God who revealed the Koran to his servant Muhammad peace be upon him, and peace and blessings of the Prophet, who taught the companions the Koran, and his companions who taught the Koran right as it should be.
As for the achievements of the Institute, the Center for memorizing the Holy Quran, where we have dedicated this center to those who wish to memorize the Koran.
They are those that are living in the hostel .
Their strategies are as follows
Complete memorization of the Quran
– Memorizing ten books of Tajweed documentations.
– Memorizing the books of the Creed and the Hadith
– Arabic Lessons.
– Computer Technology Studies.
– Islamic etiquette, and many others.
And we take the modern technological approach, where we offer them the Koran and the status of a reader well done, and then open to them the Koranic channel , they listen as they watch readers,
And the Qur’an shall be taken as an abomination as it is revealed.:
They are the ones who come from their homes every day from Thursday to Sunday, and we offer them memorizing the Holy Quran and we prepare for them about five or six years to memorize the Quran and some Tajweed books.
The period of their study is difference from the others while they will spend six to seven years to complete the Qur’an memorization.
And those who come from their homes and live there from Friday evening to Sunday evening, and we provide them with the memorization of the Holy Quran and we prepare them for about Four or Six years to memorize the Koran and some books of Tajweed, They also have some other benefits as full-time students.